Saturday, 7 December 2013

Game 30: I'm out

Max had a dream game. I can no longer finish top half

Game 29

Game 28

Made a few mistakes and gave Odette a massive 50 point play in a close endgame. She was smart enough to allow my phony to stay

Game 27

With 9 tiles left in the bag I had a 64 point lead. Both blanks were unseen so I assumed Taewan would have at least 1. I decided to eliminate the highest scoring bonus line because ANTIQUER would score over 130. I played PATY so that whatever he did would score quite low and/or open a triple for me. Lo and behold, I picked both blanks on move 10 and thus secured my second win for the day. I have to now win 3/4 of the last 4 games to get a top 50 finish.

Game 26

Game 25

Fascinating endgame

Game 24

Friday, 6 December 2013

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Game 13: Evan Cohen (Israel) 306 vs Dylan 457

Good letters and a good win for me. Was pleased with NUNDINES and BOUNTREE. Trevor is maintaining form, he is winning his current game! After 13 I'm on 6 wins. Trevor will be on 9, only 2 off the leader.

Game 12: Gunnar Andersson (Sweden) 444 vs Dylan 433

Game 11: John O'Laughlin (USA) 312 vs Dylan 599

Probably my best game so far. Never beaten John before, the inventor of Quackle. 5/11 wins for me so far.
Meantime, Trevor is busy winning his game against Tim Adamson from USA, winner of the last chance qualifier.

Game 10: Theresa Brousson (Malta) 437 vs Dylan 377

Down 4-6. SURANCE did not play anywhere so I tried CESUREAN. It came off, I got confused with CESAREAN which is good. I could have just played UNCRATES or RECUSANT instead for a 100 point lead against Maltas best. Derserved to lose this game.

Game 9: Simon Gillam (Scotland) 472 vs Dylan 350

Game 8

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Link to SCT website

Game 7: Terry Kirk (England) 393 vs Dylan 322

Tough way to end the day. I think I played we'll here. Even after Terry played RINGLESS I was still in the lead with RUCTION. Then he came with ATOPY 48 and FIZ 54 while I had racks like AAEEEIL, EEEEAIJ, AAABEIL. I thought his play of BOHEMIA was apt since we are in Bohemia (this area of the world was once called Bohemia). That's the end of day 1. Lying somewhere in the bottom half with 3/7. I need a big day tomorrow. Trevor has won 5/7!

Game 6: Jesse Day (USA) 412 vs Dylan 497

Jesse played 3 bonuses on his first four scoring moves. I was 75 behind but made a good comeback. 3-3

Game 5: Chris Cree (USA) 394 vs Dylan 412

Good win for me. Had only 6 vowels in my first 6 turns. Was trailing by 100. Engineered a good endgame outplay. 2/5 wins. This tourney is killer tough

Game 4: Peter Sinton (NZ) 420 vs Dylan 385

I doubted the bonus with ENURRTY on my first move and played ARY instead. I had no chance after that. 1/4 so far, depression starting to set in.

Game 3: Rik Kennedy (Ireland) 439 vs Dylan 411

I let his ANTIVERT (non word) stay on the board, got mixed up with ANTEVERT. I had to block his bonus outplay so made PILEAE, also a non word. He had CHESNUT at the end but played SORTINGS/SCUTCH to win. Nothing I could have done, other than play better and challenge more of course.

Game 2: Alistair Richards (Australia) 437 vs Dylan Early 506

First time I've beaten Alistair, had brilliant letters though.

Game 1: Postmortem

Close, uneventful game for Trev. He lost to David Webb.

I missed a few words in game 1 that would have made a difference: DGILNSU, ABDLLORS. I was behind holding ABIRTT and a blank. There was a floating E so played TITRABLE and thought the game was mine but Evans responded with TRUSTEE and emptied the bag. If had played BATTERIE or BRATTICE instead of TITRABLE I had a good chance of winning. I en had to find a win with ZIONPQR which was not possible.

Game 1 Evans Clinchy lost 363 to 405 (0-1)

Opening speech

Mayor of Prague 5 declaring the event open.

About to start

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

4 winners of the last chance qualifier

In finishing order, from first to fourth: Tim Adamson, Piotr Andrnowski, Sammy Okosagah, Elie Dangoor. They qualify for SCT

Table 1 hots up

As Ray and Tim battle for first place

Last chance standings with 1 game to go

World Scrabble Champs Website

The event will take place over 5 days: here is the link to the website that will be used for updates (it is still being built)

Potential winner

Runner up last time, one of my favorites this year - Andrew Fisher

Youngest contestant

8 years old! Taking part in the pre match qualifier

Table 1

Where Nigel Richards spends most of his time. This board cost nearly R500k (see

Last chance qualifier

Tough competition in progress. Top 4 places will make it into the SCT. Currently 6 people on 3/3 with Tony Sim leading the pack

Monday, 2 December 2013


I'm hoping to publish each game as it happens. This is a test of a game against Trev last week in which I played my best word ever - TELEMETRIC through EME.

Pre-match activities

It's getting exciting now as Scrabblers start arriving at the hotel. Most of the British team is here, many Australians and this morning I met some of the Americans at breakfast. Glad to see John Chew arrived safely because he is the uber-tournament organizer without whom the SCT would not be nearly as awesome. Enjoyed a game with Andrew Fisher - he played PRALINE, HAZELNUT, GODWITS, AGNOMINA and ESCRIBE so it was a walkover but still good to get my "feet wet".

Went to the Old Prague Square and took in the sights of their massive Christmas market. It was quite amazing. Will try to see the Castle today and maybe get in a game or two.